One of CNY Fabrication's core competencies is the manufacture of large and complex weldments for use in a variety of applications including industrial machinery. Nearly all of our weldments include extreme ranges in material thickness making distortion control and process design a particular concern. Many of these weldments also need to be held to exceptionally tight tolerances and be leak free.
Here, Shauna is flux core mig welding 1” thick carbon steel to ¾” stainless steel plate.
Safely GMAW welding structural steel in the comfort of a company supplied clean air hood and assorted PPE.
Drilling and tapping four-inch-thick cobble plate on our Controlled Automation machining center. This machine is equipped with a CNC bevel head technology which is integrated into the plasma and torch head. With this machine, we can drill a Ø2 ¼” hole in 6” thick steel plate. A versatile machine center like this allows us to cut, drill, tap, mill and bevel, all in one location of the factory
Our Controlled Automation machining center torch cutting through 4” thick cobble plate.
Safely utilizing one of our cranes to remove a heavy weldment from its counterpart. The weldment shown is a combination of heavy plate steel and structural steel.
Utilizing our Posi-Turn to safely rotate large weldments so that they can be more efficiently welded in a different position.
Using a 360 ton brake press and a 15 ton crane, Dominic is able to form ¾” A36 plate steel.